features of java


Java features 
1) simple
2) secure
3) portable
4) object-oriented
7) architecture netral
8)compiled& interested
9)high performance
10) dynamic
11) distributed
1) simple:
      Java was designed to be easy for profession programmers to learn if the already knows c&c++ java include syntax es from c and objects oriented concept from c++ the confusing concept in both c & c++ are leftovers here so java is to learn and it is simple language

2) secure :

Security become an important issue for a language that is used for programming on internet . Threat of viruses and abuse of resources are everywhere.java  systems not only verify all memory access but also ensure that no viriuses are communicated with an applet the absence of pointers in java ensure that program can't gain access to memory location without proper authorities
3) portable :

        The most significant contribution of java over other languages is its portability java program.can be easliy moved from on computer to another system response will not force any changes in java program.this is reason why java has becom popular language for programming on internet which interconnected different kind of system worldwide.

4)  object-oriented :

      Java is a true object oriented language . almost everything in java is an object.all program code and data reside in object & classes .java comes with an extensive set of classes arranged in package that can use in our program by inheritance . The object model in java is simple and easy extend 

5)  robust :
         Java is a language it provides many safeguard to ensure relible code .it has strict complie time and runtime chechking for data types.it is designed as a garbage collected language relieving the concept of execption handling which captures serious error and eliminate any risk of crash the system .

6) multithreaded :
        It means handling multiple tasks simultaneously.java support multithreaded program this means that we need not wait for the application to finish one task before another for eg. We can listen to an audio clip while scrolling a page and at the same time download an aplet from a distant computer .this feature greatly improved the interactive performance of graphic al application 

7) architecture netural :
        One of the problem facing by programmer was program written to day will not be run tomorrow eren in the same machine by implementing jvm through java runtime environment .the main role of java design to make it architecture netural write once run anywhere anytime forever .

8) compiled & interpreted :
         Usually a computer language Is either comiled or interpreted java combines both these approaches thus making java a two stages system first java compiler translation and therefore in second stage java interpreted generates machine code that can be directly exeuted by the machine that is running bthe java program . So we can say java is both comiler and interpreted language .

9) high performance :
        Java performance is impresse for an interpreted language mainly due to the use of intermediate byte code java architecture is also designed to reduce overhead during runtime further the incomporation of multithreaded enhance the over all executive speed of java program 

10) dynamic :
         Java program carry with them substantial amount of runtime information that used to assess object at runtime this makes java dynamic
11) distribution : 
        Java is designed for the distribution environment of the internet because it handled TCP/ip protocol java supported two computers to support remotely through package called remote method invocation .

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